Going Through MNIST(Mixed National Institute of Standards and Technology) Datasets in TensorFlow

Jan 17, 2017 Machine Learning

MNISTTalking About MNIST(Mixed National Institute of Standards and Technology), It is the larger database of the handwritten digit which is used to train and test various Machine learning and Image processing task. [MNIST Wikipedia entry]As a beginner to Machine learning and equally beginner to TensorFlow, I have decided to go through the first tutorial entitled MNIST For ML Beginners (Mixed National Institute of Standards and Technology)[In Tensorflow tutorials, make sure to use the your version of mnist_softmax.py by selecting...
3 minute read

Getting Started With Tensorflow

Jan 16, 2017 tensorflow

TensorFlow Introduction It is an open source library for machine learning. It was developed at Google by Google brain team. For more info regarding Tensorflow check the Wikipedia entry. Getting Started with Installation Referring to GitHub link and choosing the virtual environment Installation Procedure. Following this link here for installation procedure of Tensorflow library  CPU version. We can choose any version listed along with CPU/GPU version.After activating the python virtual environment as listed on installation manual console of our...
4 minute read